[Math] Explanations of Lebesgue number lemma


From Planetmath:

Lebesgue number lemma: For every open cover $\mathcal{U}$ of a compact metric space $X$, there exists a real number $\delta > 0$ such
that every open ball in $X$ of radius $\delta$ is contained in some
element of $\mathcal{U}$.

Any number $\delta$ satisfying the property above is called a
Lebesgue number for the covering $\mathcal{U}$ in $X$.

I feel hard to picture and understand the significance of this result. I was wondering if there are some explanation for this lemma? Intuitively,

  1. a number bigger or smaller than a Lebesgue number may not be a
    Lebesgue number. So is a Lebesgue number simultaneously measuring
    how separated open subsets in an open cover are between each other,
    and how big each of them is?
  2. how is a metric space being compact make the existence of a Lebesgue
    number possible?
  3. Added: Is the lemma equivalent to say that for any open cover, there
    exist a positive number $\delta$, s.t. any open cover consisting of
    open balls with radius $\delta$ is always a refinement of the
    original open cover?

Thanks and regards!

Best Answer

The intuition is the following : for each $x$ of $X$ is included in at least one $U$ of $\mathcal U$. Since $U$ is open, it contains a ball centered at $x$ and with positive radius, right ? Let $r(x, U)$ denote the supremum of all such radius. And let $r(x)$ the supremum of all the $r(x,U)$, with $U\in\mathcal U$.

So $r(x)$ is a continuous positive function on $X$. But if $X$ is not compact, you may find a sequence $(x_n)$ such that $r(x_n)$ tends to zero.

However, if your metric space $X$ is compact, then $r$ shall have a minimum. This minimum is of course positive since $r$ is. This minimum is a Lebesgue number, the greater one.

And in fact, the intuition is a proof !

A covering with positive Lebesgue number is called a uniform covering.