[Math] Explanation of carry in carry out borrow in and borrow out for binary addition and subtraction with examples


Hi I am having a hard time understand what carry in, carry out, borrow in and borrow out mean

can anyone help me out and show me some examples thanks

Best Answer

It is very much like base 10. If you add $11_2+11_2$, the ones place makes $2$, which carries in binary (just like you carry in base $10$ if the sum is $10$ or more). So you write down a $0$ and carry $1$. In the two's place, you have three $1$'s (including the carry), so you write down a $1$ and carry $1$ because $3_{10}=11_2$. In the fours place you have just the one you carried, so you write it down. Putting it all together:$$\ \ \ 11_2\\ \underline{+\ 11_2}\\ \ \ 110_2$$

Borrowing is the same way. If you ever subtract $0-1$ in binary, you borrow a $1$ from the next place up, making it $10-1$ and write down $1$ The borrows have more tendency to continue because more of the digits you might borrow from are zero themselves, but it is the same idea as subtracting $1000-5$ in base $10$

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