[Math] Explanation as to why we treat position and velocity as independent variables in the lagrangian


Although having studied calculus of variations and lagrangian mechanics, something I've never felt that I've fully justified in my mind is why the lagrangian is a function of position and velocity?

My understanding is that the lagrangian characterises the dynamics of a system in its evolution from one configuration at time $t_{1}$ to another configuration at some later time $t_{2}$. Before considering the actual physical path taken we would like the lagrangian to be able to describe all possible trajectories between the two (fixed) configurations. Therefore, for any given path $q(t) $ chosen we are free to choose any velocity $v=\dot{q} (t)$ (as we are considering all possible trajectories between the two configurations, that satisfy the boundary conditions). As such, before invoking any variational principles, we are able to treat position, $q(t) $ and velocity, $\dot{q} (t) $ as independent variables. However, once applying the principle of least action and thus choosing a specific path, i.e. The one which gives an extremum to the action, $q$ and $\dot{q}(t) $ are no longer independent (as $\dot{q}(t) $ is dependent on the chosen extremal path). Indeed, we find upon varying the path around this extremal, that they are related by $$ \delta \dot{q}(t) =\frac{d} {dt} \left(\delta q(t)\right) $$ i.e. The variation in the velocity is equal to the time derivative in the variation of the position (as one might intuitively expect).

Is this a correct understanding and description? If not could please could someone enlighten me on the matter?! Thanks.

Best Answer

The simplest reason for why we can do that is because

Given a function $f(x)$, if we can write it as $f(x,y)$ where $y = y(x)$, we can apply the identity $$ df = \frac {\partial{f}} {\partial{x}} dx + \frac {\partial{f}} {\partial{y}} dy$$

The derivation of this identity never makes the assumption that $x$ and $y$ have to be independent. The $only$ problem that can arise is that we might give $y$ values which are not allowed.

For example, if $y = x^2$, we find that $\frac {df} {dx}$ is the same as that calculated using the identity, but f(2,3) is not valid, as $y = 2^2 = 4$.

But when we talk about the Lagrangian, since at the end we use the identity that $\frac {dx} {dt} = v$, hence we are assured that we will never stumble upon any such problem.

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