[Math] Expected Value with Fair Coin Toss Game

expected valueprobability

You start with 100 dollars. When you flip a coin and receive a head, you gain 100 dollars. If you flip the coin and received a tail, you lose half of your current money. What is the expected amount of money you will have after 4 flips?

I know that if you gained 100 dollars on heads and lost 50 dollars on tails you could say: E(final money) = (100 * 0.5) – (50 * 0.5).

I also know that if you doubled your money on heads and halved your money on tails then E(final money) = 100 * 2^(# of heads) * (1/2)^(#of tails)

However, this problem seems to be mixing both addition and multiplication, so I am unsure of how to combine them into a single equation to receive a solution.

Best Answer

Let $E_n$ be the expected money after n flips. Using recursion,






Therefore your money increase by $68\%$. $:)$