[Math] Expected value, variance and probability from a joint distribution function

probabilityprobability distributionsstatistics

Lets say I am given the following table that shows the joint probability function of X and Y:


Then I am fairly sure the marginal probability functions of $X$ and $Y$ are given by their totals across each row and column, eg:


I want to workout $$E(X),E(Y),Var(X),Var(Y),Cov(X,Y)$$

Now I assume that E(X) comes from P(X) here, so I get $ 0.4*1 + 0.5 * 2 + 0.1 * 3=1.7$
E(Y) same procedure $= 2.15$

Var(X) = $ 0.4*1^2 + 0.5 * 2^2 + 0.1 * 3^2 – 1.7^2 = .41$
Var(Y) same procedure = .5275

Cov(X,Y) I am not sure how to calculate this really. Is any of the above wrong? Any hints on solving Cov(X,Y)? Thank you for your time, and I am sorry about any bad latex formatting, this much latex actually slows my little laptop to a crawl.

Best Answer

The covariance of $X$ and $Y$ is $E(XY)-E(X)E(Y)$. (The formal definition of covariance is $E((X-E(X))(Y-E(Y)))$, but that is usually, and in this case, harder to work with.)

To find $E(XY)$, find the sum $\sum_{(x,y)} xy\Pr(X=x\land Y=y)$.

There will be $9$ terms to add up, really only $7$, since $2$ of the terms are $0$,

A typical term like the one for $x=2$, $y=3$ in your table makes a contribution of $(2)(3)(0.15)$ to $E(XY)$.

Remark: The procedure of your other calculations is correct. I have not checked the arithmetic.

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