Expected Value of the Average of Brownian Motion

brownian motionprobabilitystochastic-calculus

For a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion $W(t)$, calculate:

$$E\bigg[\Big(\frac{1}{T}\int\limits_0^TW_t\, dt\Big)^2\bigg]$$

Note: I am not able to figure out how to approach this problem. All i can think of is that the term $\frac{1}{T}\int\limits_0^TW_t\,dt$ is like 'average'. But not sure how to proceed ahead. I'm relatively new to Brownian motion. I tried searching the forum for some hints..but could not find one. I will really appreciate if you could please guide me in the right direction. Thanks!

Best Answer

If you recall that $\mathrm d(t W_t) = W_t\mathrm dt + t\mathrm dW_t$ you can write your integral in the other form $$ \int_0^T W_t\mathrm dt = TW_T - \int_0^Tt\mathrm dW_t. $$ If we forget about the factor $\frac1T$ as it does not affect the derivation much, we obtain $$ \mathsf E\left(\int_0^T W_t\mathrm dt\right)^2 = \mathsf E\left[T^2W_T^2\right] - 2T\mathsf E\left[W_T\int_0^T t\mathrm dW_t\right]+\mathsf E\left(\int_0^T t\mathrm dW_t\right)^2 $$ $$ = T^3- 2T\int_0^Tt\mathrm dt+\int_0^Tt^2\mathrm dt $$ where we applied the Ito isometry a couple of times. Hopefully, the most hard part now is done an you can finish the derivations.

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