Markov Chains – Expected Time Till Absorption in Specific State

markov chains

This question is a follow-up to Expected number of steps for reaching a specific absorbing state in an absorbing Markov chain because I don't understand the answer given there. I think I need to see a concrete example.

Suppose I play red and black at a casino. On each play, I either win the amount I staked, with probability $p<\frac12$ or I lose my stake. Let's say I start with a bankroll of $2$ and I decide to play until I have won $3$ or lost everything. My strategy is to bet just enough to reach my goal, or everything I have, whichever is less.

We have a Markov chain with $6$ states, $2$ of which are absorbing. There are well-known methods to determine the probability of winning, and of determining the average number of plays I make, but what if I want to know the average number of plays I make if I reach my goal? The transition matrix, with $q=1-p$ is $$\begin {bmatrix}

Henning Malcolm suggests two approaches, neither of which I can follow. (This is because of my limitations, and is in no way intended as a criticism of the answer.) The first assumes that I have figured out the probability of winning starting with every possible bankroll. Then we are to compute new transition probabilities that describe the experience of the winners, as I understand it, and compute the time to absorption in the new chain. Let $p_k$ be the probability of winning, if my bankroll is $k$. How should I calculate the new transition matrix?

Henning Malcolm gives an alternative method if there is only one starting state we're interested in, and I'm only interested in the actual case where I start in state $2$. He says, "first set up a system of equations that compute for each state the expected number of times one will encounter that state before being absorbed." If we let $e_k$ be this number for state $k=1,2,3,4,$ how do we construct the equations relating the $e_k?$ I can see how to do this if we only care about the number plays until the game ends, but how do I make it reflect only the number of plays until winning?

Best Answer

[A partial answer illustrating the first method.]

State $1$ represents losing the game, so remove it from the system and condition the remaining transition probabilities on the event that the system does not transition from state $i$ to state $1$. In practical terms, this means that you delete from your transition matrix column $1$ and every row that had a $1$ in this column, and scale each remaining row $i$ by $1/(1-p_{1i})$. For your example system, this produces the reduced matrix $$P' = \begin{bmatrix}0&1&0&0&0 \\ 0&0&0&1&0 \\ q&0&0&0&p \\ 0&0&q&0&p \\ 0&0&0&0&1 \end{bmatrix}.$$ Applying standard techinques to this matrix, we can verify that the absorption probability is $1$ for any starting state and that the expected conditional absorption times are $$\begin{bmatrix}{3+q\over1-q^2} \\ {2+q+q^2\over1-q^2} \\ {1+3q\over1-q^2} \\ {1+q+2q^2\over1-q^2}\end{bmatrix}.$$

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