[Math] Expected number of coin tosses to get one head and one tail consecutively


An unbiased coin is tossed repeatedly and outcomes are recorded. What is the expected no of toss to get HT ( one head
and one tail consecutively)?

My approach–
e=expected number of tosses
e=[if first tail comes] + [if first is head and second is head] + [required probability of first head and second tail]
e= 1/2(e+1) + 1/4(e+2) + 1/4

is it correct?

Best Answer

If the first comes down heads, the expected value is $3$ since you get $HT$ the next time you flip tails, which will take an average of two more flips. If it comes up tails, then you start over. So the recursion can be written $$T = 3/2 + (T+1)/2 $$ which has the solution $T=4.$

The problem with yours is the middle term $(T+2)/4.$ You don't have to start all the way over in the case of $HH,$ you could get $HHT.$