[Math] Expected Number of coin flips for 2 consecutive heads for first time.


I was working on problems on expectation and found this one as a question from a well-known exam

Assume that you are flipping a fair coin, i.e. probability of heads or tails is equal. Then the expected number of coin flips required to obtain two consecutive heads for the first time is.






I worked up like Let N be the number of tosses required untill 2 consecutive heads are obtained for the first time.

Let the probability of obtaining heads be p and tails be q and for a coin p=q=1-p=1-q.

For N=2, the probability will be $p^2$

For N=3, the probability will be $p^2.q$

For N=4, the probability will be $q^2.p^2$

For N=5, the probability will be $q^3.p^2$

and so on…

Now, $E[N]=2(p^2)+3(p^2.q)+4(q^2.p^2)+5(q^3.p^2)+……$

and this comes out to be $\frac{3}{2}$ but it matches with none of the options.

Please tell me where I am wrong and what should I do to reach the correct solution?

Best Answer

Here is a generating function approach.

$T$ is represented by $(1-p)x$
$HT$ is represented by $p(1-p)x^2$
$HH$ is represented by $p^2x^2$

The generating function for the probability that it will take $n$ flips to get two heads in a row is $$ \begin{align} g(x) &=p^2x^2\sum_{k=0}^\infty\left((1-p)x+p(1-p)x^2\right)^k\\ &=\frac{p^2x^2}{1-(1-p)x(1+px)}\tag1 \end{align} $$ As a check, $$ g(1)=1\tag2 $$ that is, the probability of eventually getting two heads is $1$.

Taking the derivative of $(1)$: $$ g'(x)=\frac{p^2x\,(2-(1-p)x)}{\left(1-(1-p)x(1+px)\right)^2}\tag3 $$ Thus, the expected number of flips to get two heads in a row is $$ g'(1)=\frac{1+p}{p^2}\tag4 $$ For a fair coin, we get the expected number of flips to get two heads in a row is $$ \begin{align} \frac{1+p}{p^2} &=\frac{\ \frac32\ }{\frac14}\\[6pt] &=6\tag5 \end{align} $$

Taking two derivatives of $(1)$: $$ g''(x)=\frac{2p^2\left(1+p(1-p)x^2(3-(1-p)x)\right)}{\left(1-(1-p)x(1+px)\right)^3}\tag6 $$ Thus, the variance of the number of flips to get two heads in a row is $$ g''(1)+g'(1)-g'(1)^2=\frac{(1-p)(1+p(3+p))}{p^4}\tag7 $$ For a fair coin, we get the variance of the number of flips to get two heads in a row is $$ \begin{align} \frac{(1-p)(1+p(3+p))}{p^4} &=\frac{\ \frac{11}8\ }{\frac1{16}}\\[6pt] &=22\tag8 \end{align} $$

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