Geometric Probability – Expected Area of Circle Intersection


If we pick randomly two points inside a circle centred at $O$ with radius $R$, and draw two circles centred at the two points with radius equal to the distance between them, what is the expected area of the intersection of the two cirlces that contain the origin $O$.

Best Answer

Let $\vec{x}_1$ and $\vec{x}_2$ be the two points. Let $r = |\vec{x}_1 - \vec{x}_2|$ be the distance between them. By elementary geometry, if you draw two circle of radius $r$ using these two points as center, the area of their intersection is given by $(\frac{2\pi}{3} - \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2})r^2$. Notice the picking of two points are independent, we have: $$E\left[ \vec{x}_1 \cdot \vec{x}_2 \right] = E\left[\vec{x}_1\right] \cdot E\left[\vec{x}_2\right] = \vec{0} \cdot \vec{0} = 0$$ This implies $$E\left[|\vec{x}_1 - \vec{x}_2|^2\right] = E\left[|\vec{x}_1|^2 + |\vec{x}_2|^2\right] = 2\frac{\int_0^R r^3 dr}{\int_0^R rdr} = R^2$$

As a result, the expected area of the intersection is $(\frac{2\pi}{3} - \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2})R^2$.

Update for those who are curious

Let $\mathscr{C}$ be the set of events such that the intersection contains the origin, then: $$\begin{align} \operatorname{Prob}\left[\,\mathscr{C} \right] &= \frac{2\pi + 3\sqrt{3}}{6\pi}\\ E\left[\,|\vec{x}_1 - \vec{x}_2|^2 : \mathscr{C}\right] &= \frac{20\pi + 21\sqrt{3}}{6(2\pi + 3\sqrt{3})} \end{align}$$ and the expected area of intersection conditional to containing the center is given by: $$\frac{(4\pi - 3\sqrt{3})(20\pi + 21\sqrt{3})}{36(2\pi + 3\sqrt{3})}$$

To evaluate $E\left[ \varphi(\vec{x}_1,\vec{x}_2) ) : \mathscr{C} \right]$ for any function $\varphi( \vec{x}_1, \vec{x}_2 )$ which is symmetric and rotational invariant w.r.t its argument, you need to compute an integral of the from:

$$\int_{\frac{\pi}{3}}^{\pi} \frac{d\theta}{\pi} \left[2\int_{0}^{R} \frac{2udu}{R^2} \left( \int_{\alpha(\theta)u}^{u} \frac{2vdv}{R^2} \phi( \vec{x}_1, \vec{x}_2 ) \right) \right] $$

where $u \ge v$ are $|\vec{x}_1|$ and $|\vec{x}_2|$ sorted in descending order. $\theta$ is the angle between $\vec{x}_1$ and $\vec{x}_2$. The mysterious $\alpha(\theta)$ is $\max(2\cos(\theta),0)$ for $\theta \in [\frac{\pi}{3},\pi]$.

The integral is a big mess and I need a computer algebra system to crank that out. I won't provide more details on this part not relevant to the main answer.

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