[Math] Expectation score of multiple choice test


A multiple choice exam has 100 questions, each with 5 possible answers. One mark is awarded for a correct answer and 1/4 mark is deducted for an incorrect answer. A particular student has probability $p_i$ of knowing the correct answer to the $i$th question, independently of other questions.

a) Suppose that if a student does not know the correct answer, he or she guesses randomly. Show that his or her total mark has mean $\sum p_i$ and variance $\sum p_i (1-p_i)+\frac{(100-\sum p_i)}{4}$.

b) Show that the total mark for a student who refrains from guessing also has mean $\sum p_i$ but with variance $\sum p_i (1-p_i)$.

b) is pretty easy, since it's a simple application of the binomial distribution. I can't really get a) though, mainly since I can't come up with a good-looking expression for the expected score of question number $i$.

Best Answer

For part a $X_i$: score on question $i$.




$\mu=\Sigma(\frac{1}{5}+\frac{4}{5}p_i-{1\over4}(\frac{4}{5}-\frac{4}{5}p_i))=\Sigma p_i$




Which is not the result given in the question - is the question wrong?

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