[Math] Expectation and variance of a sum of two random variables

expectationnormal distributionvariance

Following up on this question, how would you derive the expectation and variance of the sum of two normally distributed random variables that aren't necessarily independent?

For example, if $$X \sim N(\mu, 3\sigma^2)$$ and $$Y \sim N(\mu + 9, \sigma^2)$$ is there a way to calculate the expectation and variance? What would the resulting X + Y distribution be in concrete terms? We aren't given the covariance.

Best Answer

$$E[X+Y]=E[X]+E[Y]=\mu+\mu+9=2 \mu +9$$ $$\begin{array} VVar[X+Y]&=Var[X]+Var[Y]+2Cov[X,Y]\\ &=3 \sigma^2+\sigma^2+E[XY]-E[X]E[Y]\\ &=4 \sigma^2+E[XY]-\mu(\mu+9) \end{array}$$

We can't say that much about the distribution of $XY$ without some more assumptions. If we know that $X$ and $Y$ are independent then $XY$ has a chi-squared distribution and we can compute $E[XY]$.