[Math] $\exists x Px \land \exists x Qx$ does not imply $\exists x (P x \land Q x)$


I am pretty confused by this.
We know that $\phi : = \exists x Px \land \exists x Qx $
does not imply $\psi : = \exists x (P x \land Q x)$,
as for the model $M$ with domain $\{0,1\}$ with $P := \{0\}$ and $Q := \{1\}$,
we have that $M \models \phi$, $M \not \models \psi$. But, seemingly:

\exists x Px \land \exists x Qx \implies & \lnot ( \lnot ( \exists x Px \land \exists x Qx))\\
\implies & \lnot ( \lnot \exists x Px \lor \lnot \exists x Qx)\\
\implies & \lnot (\forall x \lnot Px \lor \forall x \lnot Qx))\\
\implies & \lnot (\forall x (\lnot Px \lor \lnot Qx ))\\
\implies & \exists x \lnot ( \lnot P x \lor \lnot Q x) \\
\implies & \exists x (P x \land Q x) ,

where $(3) \implies (4)$ by the schema
$\forall x A x \lor \forall x B x \implies \forall x (A x \lor B x)$;
(2) $\implies (3), (4) \implies (5)$ by quantifier/negation relations; and
$(1) \implies (2), (5) \implies (6)$ by De Morgan's laws.
What went wrong here? Thanks!

Best Answer

$$ \lnot (\forall x \lnot Px \lor \forall x \lnot Qx)) \Rightarrow \lnot (\forall x (\lnot Px \lor \lnot Qx ))\\$$

is not correct.

It is equivalent to

$$ \varphi ~ =: ~\forall x \lnot Px \lor \forall x \lnot Qx \Leftarrow \forall x (\lnot Px \lor \lnot Qx ) ~ := \psi\\$$

Consider your examplary $\{P,Q\}$-structure $A$ over the universe $\{0,1\}$ with $P=\{0\}$ and $Q=\{1\}$.

Now $A \models \psi$ but $A \not \models \varphi$.

This the schema $\forall x A x \lor \forall x B x \Rightarrow \forall x (A x \lor B x)$ is correct but you have been using it the otherway around which is generally not a correct implication.

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