[Math] Existence of Vertex Ordering in Greedy Algorithm to get “optimal” colouring

algorithmsdiscrete mathematicsgraph theory

I am trying to prove that for any Graph there is an ordering of the vertices, sucht that the Greedy Algorithm will colour the vertices in such a way that it uses the Chromatic number of colours.

I am trying to attack this via induction, and I have the impression I am nearly there. However I ve been waisting quite a bit of time trying to make the inductive step solid, so I was wondering, whether somebody knows if my strategy can even potentially work ?

Best Answer

for any Graph there is an ordering of the vertices, sucht that the Greedy Algorithm will colour the vertices in such a way that it uses the Chromatic number of colours

Of course there is such an ordering - if you have the optimal coloring, order the vertices st. first come the vertices of color 1, then vertices of color 2, ...

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