[Math] Existence of a sequence of continuous functions convergent pointwise to the indicator function of irrational numbers


Prove that there does not exist a sequence of continuous functions $
f_n :\left[ {0,1} \right] \to R
$ such that converges pointwise, to the function
0 & \text{if $x$ is rational},\\\\
1 & \text{otherwise}.

I have no idea How can I prove this. Prove that there no exist such sequence if the convergence is uniform, it's easy, because the limit would be continuous, but here I don't know How can I do. I suppose that some "nice" properties are "preserved" in the limit, in this kind of convergence, but I don't know any of them.

Best Answer

The reason (given in comments) that $f$ is not a pointwise limit of continuous functions is that $f$ is discontinuous everywhere, while pointwise limits of continuous functions have a comeager set of points of continuity. The latter fact is proved here, additional details are given here, and a textbook reference is: Theorem 1.19 on page 20 of Real analysis by Bruckner, Bruckner & Thomson.

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