Exercise 2.1.1 – Differential Topology by Guillemin and Pollack Solutions


If $U \subset \mathbb{R}^k$ and $V \subset H^k$ are neighborhoods of $0$, prove that there exists no diffeomorphism of V with U.

Here, $H^k$ is simply the upper half-space.

I tried to solve this problem with the continuity, but it is a dead-end. I have difficulty to solve this problem. Anyone could give me a hint to complete this problem?

Best Answer

Let $\ f:U \to V$ be such a diffeomorphism. Let $x=f^{-1}(0)$. For $h$ near $x$ we have $f(h)=0+Df_x(h-x)+e(h-x)$ where $\frac {e(h-x)}{|h-x|} \to 0$ as $|h-x| \to 0$. As $f$ is a diffeomorphism, $Df_x$ is a linear isomorphism (since $D(f^{-1})_{f(x)}=(Df_x)^{-1}$ by differentiating $ f^{-1}\circ f =I$ using the chain rule).

Let $V=(Df_x)^{-1}(-1,0,0,\dots,0)$, and $h=x+\frac1NV $ with $N$ so that $h\in U$ and $$\frac{|e(\frac1NV)|}{|\frac1NV|}<\frac1{|V|}$$ Now $f(h)=0+(-\frac{1}N,0,0,\dots,0)+e(\frac1NV)$. As $|e(\frac1NV)|<\frac1N$, $f(h)$ is not in $\Bbb H^k$. So no such diffeomorphism could exist.

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