[Math] Examples of smooth fractals


A classic example of a fractal curve is the Koch Snowflake. This is a topological manifold (as opposed to many other fractals which are not), but it also clearly not smooth.

Question: Are there any curve-type fractals that are actually smooth? Or does the infinite self-similarity eventually pose an insurmountable barrier to smoothness?

Technically speaking, $\mathbb{R}$ is a smooth fractal too, so for the above question, I'd only introduce the caveat that the curve be 'interesting' as a fractal (or at least non-trivial).

Intuitively, I see no reason for such objects to not exist, but this is far from any area of math I'm familiar with.

Best Answer

Nash's isometric embedding theorem gives an affirmative answer to your question. Visualisation of such an example of smooth fractal can be made on google images typing "isometric embedding gnash torus".