Linear Algebra – Examples of Injective but Not Surjective Linear Maps

functional-analysislinear algebralinear-transformationsvector-spaces

I am trying to find a linear map $f:V \rightarrow V$, which is injective but not surjective.

I always thought that if the dimension of the domain and codomain are equal and the map is injective it implies that a map is surjective. Maybe we need an infinite basis of the vector space $V$? What can be an example of that?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Yes, we need an infinite-dimensional vector space. An interesting example is: $V$ the space of continuous functions $[0,1]\to\mathbb R$ and $f$ integration $f(g)(x)=\int_0^xg(t)\,\mathrm dt$. This is not surjective because $f(g)(0)=0$ for all $g$