[Math] Examples of faithfully flat modules


I'm studying some results about flatness and faithful flatness and I'd like to keep in my mind some examples about faithfully flat modules.

In general, free modules are the typical examples.
Another (unusual) example of faithfully flat module is the "Zariski Covering". (Let $R$ be a ring, $(f_1,\dots,f_n)=R$, and let $R_{f_i}$ be a localization $\forall i$. Then $S:=\bigoplus_{i=1}^n R_{f_i}$ is called Zariski covering.)

Do you have any other example?

Best Answer

Formal properties
The tensor product of two faithfully flat modules is faithfully flat.
If $M$ is a faithfully flat module over the faithfully flat $A$-algebra $B$, then $M$ is faithfully flat over $A$ too.
An arbitrary direct sum of flat modules is faithfully flat as soon as at least one summand is.
(But the converse is false: see caveat below.)

An $A$-algebra $B$ is faithfully flat if and only if it is flat and every prime ideal of $A $ is contracted from $B$, i.e. $\operatorname{Spec}(B) \to\operatorname{Spec}(A)$ is surjective.
If $A\to B$ is a local morphism between local rings, then $B$ is flat over $A$ iff it is faithfully flat over $A$.

Caveat fidelis flatificator
a) Projective modules are flat, but needn't be faithfully flat. For example $A=\mathbb Z/6=(2)\oplus (3)$ shows that the ideal $(2)\subset A$ is projective, but is not faithfully flat because $(2)\otimes_A \mathbb Z/2=0$.

b) A ring of fractions $S^{-1}A$ is always flat over $A$ and never faithfully flat [unless you only invert invertible elements, in which case $S^{-1}A=A$].

c) The $\mathbb Z$-module $\oplus_{{{\frak p}}\in \operatorname{Spec}(\mathbb Z)} \mathbb Z_{{\frak p}}$ is faithfully flat over $\mathbb Z$. All summands are flat, however none is faithfully flat.

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