[Math] Examples of closed subspaces of Baire spaces that fail to be Baire


I am looking for some nice examples of Baire spaces containing closed subspaces that fail to be Baire.

Clearly, $X$ should not satisfy either one of the standard hypotheses for the Baire category theorem: local compactness or complete metrizability or Čech completeness because all these properties are hereditary with respect to closed subspaces.

An interesting example of a Baire metrizable space that fails to be completely metrizable is given in an answer to What are some motivating examples of exotic metrizable spaces. This example contains $\mathbb Q$ as a closed subspace.

It would be nice to see some further examples.

Added: I would prefer to have examples of high regularity (at least Hausdorff, preferably Tychonoff).


Best Answer

If I right understood the notation of the book "Baire spaces" by R.C Haworth and R.A. McCoy then there is a simple example of a Baire space $\mathbb{ R^2\setminus ((R\setminus Q)\times \{0\}})$ with closed non-Baire subset $\mathbb Q\times\{0\}.$

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