[Math] Examples of base points of linear systems


I'm reading Fulton's algebraic curves book and we have the following definitions:

  • A divisor $D=n_1P_1+\ldots,n_kP_k$ ($n_i$'s are integers and $P_i$'s are points) over a curve.
  • A linear system as the set of divisors $\{(f)+D\mid f\in L(D)\}$
  • A base point of a linear system is a point which is contained in every divisor of the linear system.

I'm a really beginner with this subject which I'm finding very hard. I'm looking for simple examples of base points of a linear system. This would be a great motivation for me to learn these concepts and definitions.

Any help is very welcome!


Best Answer

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus $g$ over an algebraically closed field.
Let $p_1,\cdots, p_n$ be $n$ points on $C$.

Then if you consider the divisor $D=p_1+\cdots+ p_n$, the linear system $\mathcal E\subset |D|$ consisting of the divisors $E\in |D|$ with $p_1$ in their support is tautologically a (non-complete) linear system having $p_1$ as a base point.
If $n\geq 2g$ that linear system $\mathcal E$ is a hyperplane in the projective space $|D|$ of dimension $n-g$ and has thus dimension $n-g-1$ .
Note that $|D|$ itself has no base point if $n\geq2g$.
All this follows from Riemann-Roch but if you haven't learned this theorem yet you can accept the above on faith for the moment if you trussst in meee.

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