[Math] Example of non random variable

probabilityrandom variablesstatistics

Given that a random variable $X$ defined on a sample space which takes value on the real line is defined as the set of all outcomes such that $X(outcome)\le r$, with $r$ a real number, that belongs to the event space for every $r$, can you provide me with one example (or more) of a non-random variable?
Please give an example that contradicts the part of the statement relative to the fact that the set belongs to the event space, because it is easy to show that a $X$ not defined on the sample space or that takes values outside the real number set is non-random by definition.
I could not use latex properly to write rigorously the definition, however is the definition of Mood, Introduction to the theory of Statistics.

Best Answer

$\Omega =\{0,1\}, \mathcal F=\{\emptyset, \Omega\}, X(0)=0,X(1)=1$ is an example since $(X=0) \notin \mathcal F$.