[Math] Example of a paracompact space that is not metrizable


I'm looking for an example of a space which is paracompact but not metrizable. The definition of paracompactness that I'm working with is that $(X,\tau)$ is paracompact if it is Hausdorff ($T_{2}$) and for every open cover there exists a locally finite open refinement.

I'd also like to know how well paracompactness is preserved in products. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

The Sorgenfrey line is a classical example (besides the compact examples mentioned in the thread from the comments), also because its square (the Sorgenfrey plane) is not even normal, let alone paracompact, which shows that products of even 2 relatively nice paracompact spaces can fail to be paracompact.

As a positive result, the product of a paracompact and a compact Hausdorff space is paracompact.