[Math] Example of a degenerate bilinear map

bilinear-formlinear algebramatricessymplectic-geometryvector-spaces

I seek an example of a nonzero $\Bbb{R}$-bilinear map $f:V\times V\rightarrow W$ on a vector space $V$ (s.t: $\dim V<\infty$, $\dim W<\infty$) such that it is degenerate map, where $V$ and $W$ are given explicitly.

Recall that:
A degenerate bilinear form $f:V\times V\rightarrow W$ on a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ is a bilinear form such that it has a non-trivial kernel, i.e., there exist some non-zero $u$ in $V$ s.t $f(u,v)=0 $ for all $v\in V$.

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

recall if $f/V\times V \rightarrow W$ is a bilinear map and $W=K$ the field of scalar, then $f$ is sayd a bilinear fom.

if $dimV=1$ there are no degenerate bilinear map othere the zero map, so all non zero bilinear map are non degenerat.

if $dimV>1$ the example above in comment is on, anothere tack $f(e_1,e_j)=0$ and somme one $f(e_i,e_j)\not=0$ for $i>1$ and $j\geq 1$.

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