[Math] Exactly one nontrivial proper subgroup


Question: Determine all the finite groups that have exactly one nontrivial proper subgroup.

MY attempt is that the order of group G has to be a positive nonprime integer n which has only one divisor since any divisor a of n will form a proper subgroup of order a. Since 4 is the only nonprime number that has only 1 divisor which is 2, All groups of order 4 has only 1 nontrivial proper subgroups (Z4 and D4)

Best Answer

Let $H$ be the only non-trivial proper subgroup of the finite group $G$. Since $H$ is proper, there must exist an $x \notin H$. Now consider the subgroup $\langle x\rangle$ of $G$. This subgroup cannot be equal to $H$, nor is it trivial, hence $\langle x\rangle = G$, that is $G$ is cyclic, say of order $n$. The number of subgroups of a cyclic group of order $n$ equals the number of divisors of $n$. So $n$ must have three divisors. This can only be the case if $n$ is the square of a prime number. So, $G \cong C_{p^2}$.