[Math] Every Submodule of a Free Module is Isomorphic to a Direct Sum of Ideals


Suppose that $R$ is a ring with identity and $R^{\oplus n}$ is a free left $R$-module. Is every submodule of $R^{\oplus n}$ isomorphic to $A_1\oplus \ldots \oplus A_n$ where $A_i$ are left ideals of $R$?

Edit: It appears that this is false, and an example is given in a linked question. Can anyone explain why the example works?

Best Answer

First recall that the ring in the linked answer is $R=\mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^2)$.

An easy calculation shows that $R$ is local, with unique maximal ideal generated by $2$ and $X$, and has a unique simple ideal generated by $2X$.

The module in the linked answer is the submodule of $R^2$ generated by $(2,X)$. Since it is cyclic, it is a quotient of the free module $R$, and so has a unique maximal submodule. Therefore it is indecomposable, and so if it were a direct sum of ideals, it would have to be isomorphic to a single ideal.

But then it would have a unique simple submodule. However, it has two simple submodules, generated by $(2X,0)$ and $(0,2X)$ respectively.

A similar, and arguably clearer, example is given by $R=k[X,Y]/(X^2,Y^2)$ for a field $k$, with the submodule of $R^2$ generated by $(X,Y)$.

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