[Math] every real number has exactly one integer part


I am self studying book Analysis I by Tao, there is an exercise on proving:

Exercise 5.4.3:

for every real number x, there is exactly one integer N such that $$N \leq x \lt N+1$$

Can anyone give some hints for me to continue my thinking on the proof?

Best Answer

Suppose that there's at least two integers such that the property holds, and suppose that $M<N$.

Now, $M<N \le x <M+1<N+1$ according to the property, but we have that $M<N<M+1$ , but clearly because they're integers (is there an integer $N$ such that there is integers $M$ and $M+1$ and $M<N<M+1$ holds) , $M=N$ should also hold and we have a contradiction.