[Math] Every open and closed set is $G_{\delta}$ and $ F_{\sigma}$


I've seen the proofs and I mostly understand them but there is one thing that came up as a part of the proof which ran counter to my intuition. Are countable intersections of open sets not necessarily open? And are countable unions of closed sets not necessarily closed? I've seen those conditions used to conclude proofs before, however, so I was wondering if there are certain conditions under which countable intersections/unions preserve openness/closure?

Best Answer

Consider the following subsets of $\mathbb{R}$ with the standard Euclidean topology

\begin{equation} G= \overset{\infty}{\underset{n=1}{\bigcap}} \left(-1-\frac{1}{n}, 1+\frac{1}{n} \right) , \end{equation} \begin{equation} F= \overset{\infty}{\underset{n=1}{\bigcup}} \left[-1+\frac{1}{n}, 1-\frac{1}{n} \right] . \end{equation}

$G=[-1,1]$ is closed but not open, and $G$ equals the countable intersection of open sets. $F=(-1,1)$ is open but not closed, and $F$ equals the countable union of closed sets.