Abstract Algebra – Nonidentity Elements in Free Group $F$ Have Infinite Order


I'm trying to prove that every nonidentity element in a free group $F$ has infinite order. I'm really new on free groups and I found this subject really strange I couldn't understand it very well yet, I need a help or a hint to solve this question.

I attached the definition of free groups:

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

A free group $F$ on a set of symbols $S$ is the set of all possible reduced words formed from the symbols and their formal inverses, with multiplication given by concatenation and reduction. A word is reduced if no symbol appears next to its formal inverse in the word.

For a simple example, let's consider the free group on the $2$ symbols $x$ and $y$. The following is a list of all possible reduced words of length less than or equal to $2$:


where $\varnothing$ is the empty word. We multiply by concatenating words, and reducing, that is, removing the subwords $xx^{-1}$, $yy^{-1}$, $x^{-1}x$, and $y^{-1}y$. For example, we have the products $$xy^{-1}\cdot xy=xy^{-1}xy\\xy^{-1}\cdot yy=xy^{-1}yy=xy$$

This product satisfies the group axioms, and we see that $\varnothing$ is the identity of the group.

I recommend playing around a bit with arbitrary elements and their concatenations to get a feel for how elements multiply. Specifically, try to write down an element with finite order, and see what happens.

For a rigorous proof, suppose that for an arbitrary set $S$, we have a reduced word $s_1^{e_1}\ldots s_l^{e_l}$ with finite order, say $n>1$. Here the $s_i\in S$ and $e_i=1$ or $-1$. Then we have

$$s_1^{e_1}\ldots s_l^{e_l}s_1^{e_1}\ldots s_l^{e_l}(\ldots) s_1^{e_1}\ldots s_l^{e_l}s_1^{e_1}\ldots s_l^{e_l}=\varnothing$$

where we write the word next to itself $n$ times. Notice it follows that $s_1^{e_1}s_l^{e_l}=\varnothing$, and that $s_2^{e_2}\ldots s_{l-1}^{e_{l-1}}$ also has order $n$. We continue this process until we reach the middle of the word, noting that $s_i^{e_i}s_{l-i+1}^{e_{l-i+1}}=\varnothing$ for all $i=1,2,\ldots,\lfloor\frac{l+1}{2}\rfloor$. Then we can cancel from the inside out, showing that our original word was in fact $\varnothing$, a contradiction as $n>1$.

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