Differential Geometry – Every Manifold Admits a Vector Field with Only Finitely Many Zeros


Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. I am trying to prove that $M$ admits a vector field with only finitely many zeros.

This will follow if we can find a function $f : M\rightarrow \mathbb R$ such that $df$ has only finitely many zeros, but I cannot find such a function with this property either. My initial idea was to try to embed $M$ in $\mathbb R^N$ for some $N$ and look at $x\mapsto u \cdot x$ for fixed $u\in \mathbb R^N$, but I could not find a way to prove that there must be a $u$ such that the differential of this map has only finitely many zeros.

Does anyone have an elementary construction of such a vector field (or function)?

Best Answer

Here's a fun proof that employs the Transversality theorem to show that on any smooth manifold $M$, there is a vector field that vanishes only on a $0$-dimensional submanifold of $M$. Of course, when $M$ is compact, every $0$-dimensional submanifold is finite, which gives you your desired result.

Assume without loss of generality that $M^n$ is embedded in $\mathbb{R}^N$ with $N>n$. Define a map $F:X\times \mathbb{R}^N\to TX$ by $F(p,v)=\text{proj}_{T_pM}v$. Then $F$ is a smooth submersion. In particular, $F$ is transverse to $Z=X\times \{0\}$. So, by the transversality theorem, there exists some $v\in \mathbb{R}^N$ so that $f_v(x):X\to TX$ is transverse to $Z$. Now, $f_v(x)$ is a smooth section of $TX$, and so $f_v$ is a vector field. So $f_v^{-1}(X\times \{0\})$-the zeros of $f_v$-is a submanifold of $X$ of codimension $\dim TX-\dim X\times \{0\}= \dim X$, as claimed.