[Math] Every endomorphism of a finitely generated module satisfies a polynomial equation.


I encountered the following very interesting proposition in Atiyah's and McDonald's Introduction to Commutative Algebra:

Let $A$ be commutative ring with identity, $M$ a finitely generated $A$-module and $\phi$ an endomorphism of $M$. Then there exists positive integer $n$ and $\alpha_0, \dots, \alpha_{n-1} \in A$ such that $\phi^n + \alpha_{n-1} \phi^{n-1} + \cdots + \alpha_1 \phi + \alpha_0=0$.

The proof that is given is short and based on an argument involving the determinant of a matrix. I don't find it though very insightful algebraically.
Does anybody know any alternative proof? I tried induction on the number of generators, but i have difficulty completing the induction step.

Best Answer

Is the following the proof in Atiyah & Macdonald? I find it constructive:

The $A$-module $M$ is the quotient of $A^n$ for some natural number $n$. There exists a morphism $\Phi: A^n \to A^n$ covering $\phi: M \to M$. Since $A$ is a commutative ring, determinant makes sense and one can define the characteristic polynomial $p_\Phi(t) := \det(\Phi-t\,\mathrm{Id})$. By the Cayley–Hamilton Theorem, $p_\Phi(\Phi)=0: A^n \to A^n$. Observe that this morphism covers $p_\Phi(\phi): M \to M$. Since the morphism $A^n \to M$ is surjective, it follows that $p_\Phi(\phi)=0$ also.

For a given $\phi$, I don't know anything about the uniqueness the polynomial $p_\Phi(t)$.