[Math] Evaluating Difficult Monte Carlo Integration in R

monte carlosimulation

I recently posted a simple version here (Simple Monte Carlo Integration).

I was able to verify that the answer was indeed close to 1/3 when I wrote the following R code, and got a mean of X of ~1/3:

U = runif(10000,0,1)
X = U^2

I am applying a more difficult Monte Carlo Integration now for two reasons. First, the integration is between 0 and infinity. Second, I believe the integration leads to gamma functions. What is the simplest way to approach the following problem, especially using a simple simulation as I did above (generating 10,000 uniform values and simulating in R):

$$\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx$$

I do not even know what value to expect (like I did in my previous post, where I knew my simulation should approximate 1/3). Even if I did, I do not know where I would use the 10000 uniform samples between 0 and 1, as this problem is now between 0 and infinity.

Best Answer

We are trying to use Monte Carlo Simulation to find:

$$\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx$$

As you have discovered, the infinite limits are problematic. We can do several things to overcome this

Approach 1: A naive approach is to plot the function given that it has a decaying exponential which tends to zero very quickly. If we plot this function, we see:

enter image description here

So, lets try to approximate it as:

$$\displaystyle \int_0^{50} \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx$$

Using your approach (recall, now your code needs to change to generate random numbers $(a, b)$ and with the function of interest) with $n = 10000$, we get:

$$I = 387.256$$

If we calculate the exact integral we get:

$$I = \Gamma \left(\frac{20}{3}\right) \approx 389.035$$

Approach 2: In this approach we will make a change in variables so as to map an infinite range of integration into a finite one.

A good example that works for functions that decrease towards infinity faster than $\frac{1}{x^2}$ is to use:

$$\displaystyle \int_a^b f(x)~dx = \int_{\frac{1}{a}}^{\frac{1}{b}} \dfrac{1}{t^2}f\left(\dfrac{1}{t}\right)~dt$$

With this altered approach, we can now do integrals when one of the limits is infinite and the other limit is of the same sign. If you need to integrate say something that has $a = 0$, what you do is break the integral into two parts and use Monte Carlo on each one.

If we have infinite limits for both limits, we could split the integral into three or more parts. So, for this problem, we have to split it into two pieces as:

$$\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx = \int_0^1 \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx + \int_0^1 \dfrac{1}{t^2} \left(\dfrac 34\right) \left(\dfrac 1t \right)^4 e^{{-(\frac 1t)}^{\frac 34}}~dt$$

Using the Monte Carlo for the first part, we get $I_1 = 0.0647226$ and for the second part, we get $I_2 = 387.551$, which yields:

$$ \displaystyle \int_0^\infty \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx = 387.616$$

Compare that to our previous and the exact result.

Approach 3: In this approach we will make a change in variables so as to map an infinite range of integration into a finite one. This time, we will transform variables using $u = \frac{1}{1+x}$, yielding:

$$\displaystyle \int_0^\infty \dfrac 34 x^4e^{-x^{3/4}}\,dx = \int_0^1 \frac{3 e^{-\left(\frac{1-u}{u}\right)^{3/4}} (1-u)^4}{4 u^6} ~ du$$

Running the Monte Carlo simulation with $n = 10000$ yields:

$$I = 390.18704821709946$$

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