[Math] Evaluating a surface integral $\iint A.dS$

calculussurface-integralsvector analysis

Suppose $A=6z\hat i+(2x+y)\hat j-x\hat k$ .Evaluate $$\iint A.dS$$ Over the entire surface S of the region bounded by the cylinder $x^2+z^2=9,x=0,y=0,z=0$ and $y=8$.
I split it into three surface 1.Upper circle part, $S_1$ 2.Lower circle part, $S_2$ 3.cylindrical part, $S_3$.
I couldn't do surface integral for $S_3$.Since i am familiar with parametrization of a cylinder and cylindrical coordinates but failed to approach to the answer. The solution provided by the book is $18\Pi$.Can anyone help me to explain how to get $\iint A.n dS$ please.
Thanks in Advanced.

Best Answer

I don't know if you want to do this way, but in case you are allowed to do by the divergence theorem here it goes (I'm a little bit lazy to do it by surface integrals).

$$\int_{\partial\Omega}{\vec{A}\cdot d\vec{S}}=\int_{\Omega}{\textrm{div}(\vec{A})\,dV}$$ Since $\textrm{div}(\vec{A})=1$ in your case, you must calculate the volume of your body. In this case is a quarter of the volume of a cylinder of radius equal to $R=3$ and a height of $h=8$, giving $$V = \int_{\Omega}{\,dV}=\frac{1}{4}\pi R^2h = 18\pi $$

For the cylindrical part, make a change of coordinates: $$x = R\sin{\theta}\qquad y=y\qquad z = R\cos{\theta}\qquad $$

In the cylindrical surface , $\vec{A}=(6R\cos{\theta},2R\sin{\theta}+y,-R\sin{\theta})$, and $d\vec{S}=(\sin{\theta},0,\cos{\theta})Rd\theta dy$. Multiply and integrate! $\theta\in[0,\pi/2]$ and $y\in[0,8]$