[Math] Evaluate the sine cosine and tangent of the following angles.


Using your calculator with only acute angles, evaluate the sine, cosine and tangent of each of the following angles, correct to 3 sig. fig.

(a) 276.1
(b) 135.7

Would someone mind explaining the two following examples? I'm not sure I should be using the CAST system (draw a graph to plot)/ how to fully evaluate angle.

Best Answer

Each of the angles makes an acute angle to one of the coordinate axes, even though the full angle runs into some quadrant of the unit circle other than the first quadrant. You will want to work out what that acute angle (between 0º and 90º) is for each of the given angles, find the trig values for them from a calculator, then assign the appropriate sign (positive or negative) to each of those trig values.

Here is a graph of the angles:

enter image description here