[Math] Evaluate the line integral given the path of a helix


Evaluate the line integral

\int_C zdx + xdy + xydz

where C is the path of the helix r(t) = (4cost)i + (4sint)j + (t)k on $0\le t \le 2\pi$

I solve this problem, but my answer was wrong.

x= 4cost

y= 4sint

z= t

dx= -4sint dt

dy= 4cost dt

dz= dt

I plugged these into the integral above and integrated to get

4tcost – 4sint + 4t +sin(4t) + 4sint \ |_0^{2\pi}

I solved this and got 16$\pi$
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?

Best Answer

Your primitive is wrong. We have:

$$ \int_0^{2\pi}(16 \cos^2 t+16 \cos t \sin t-4t \sin t)dt= $$ $$ = 4\left(2t-\sin t +\sin 2t-2\cos^2 t+t \cos t \right) |_0^{2\pi}= 24 \pi $$

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