[Math] Evaluate the integral $\int\frac{1}{2+3\sin x}\,\text{d}x$.


Please evaluate the integral,

$$\int \frac{1}{2+3\sin x}\,\text{d}x.$$

What I have tried is to substitute $\sin x = \sqrt{1-x^x}$ but I was stuck in a maze. Also, I did look a the wolfram solution. Can anyone propose a different solution from Wolfram, perhaps simpler with a bit of explanation?

Best Answer


Use Weierstrass substitution, $$\tan\frac x2=t$$

$$\implies\sin x=\frac{2t}{1+t^2}$$ and $$\frac x2=\arctan t\implies dx=\frac{2\ dt}{1+t^2}$$

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