[Math] Evaluate :$\int \frac{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} -\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}}{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} +\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}} dx$


How to evaluate

\int \frac{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} -\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}}{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} +\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}} dx

I know that $\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} +\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}=\frac{\pi}{2}$ but after that I have no idea, so please help me. Thanks in advance.

I tried this way,

\int \frac{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} -\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}}{\frac{\pi}{2}}dx
then I put the value $\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} +\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}=\frac{\pi}{2}$ so
\frac{2}{\pi}\int\left(\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} -\left(\frac{\pi}{2}-\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x}\right)\right)dx
Is this right?

after that I integrate by part and get,

$$ \int \frac{\sqrt{x}}{\sqrt{1-x}}$$ now,what can i do?

Best Answer

Let $$ I_0=\int \frac{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} -\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}}{\sin^{-1} \sqrt{x} +\cos^{-1} \sqrt{x}} dx $$$$\Rightarrow I_0=\int\frac{\frac{\pi}{2}-2\cos^{-1}\sqrt{x}}{\frac{\pi}{2}}dx$$$$\Rightarrow I_0=\int (1-\frac{4}{\pi}\cos^{-1}\sqrt{x})dx$$ $$\Rightarrow I_0=x-\frac{4}{\pi}\int\cos^{-1}\sqrt{x})dx$$ Now Consider $$I_1= \int\cos^{-1}\sqrt{x}dx$$ $$\Rightarrow I_1=\int 2z\cos^{-1} zdz$$ Where $$ x=z^2$$ Hence Integrating by parts we get $$ I_1 = 2zcos^{-1}z+ \int \frac{z^2}{\sqrt{1-z^2}}dz$$ $$I_1 = 2zcos^{-1}z+ \int \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-z^2}}dz-\int\sqrt{1-z^2}dz$$ $$\int \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-z^2}}dz=-\cos^{-1}z$$ $$\int\sqrt{1-z^2}dz=\frac{z\sqrt{1-z^2}}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\sin^{-1}z$$