[Math] Euler’s method for exact solution

functionsnumerical methodsordinary differential equations

We know that the solution of


with $y(0)=1$


As far as I see the Euler's method is explicitly used only to find the numerical approximation of e.g. $y(3)$. Can we use the Euler's method to solve this differential equation and find the exact solution?


I thought of the following:
$$y(t_1+\delta t) = y(t_0) + y'(t_1) \delta t$$
$$y(t_1+2\delta t) = y(t_1+\delta t) + y'(t_1+\delta t) \delta t$$
and from that we could find a recursive solution for $y(t_0)$. Then by taking the limit $\lim_{\delta t \to 0}$ of it, it could be possible to find the general solution of $y$ for every $t_0$ in the domain.

Is it impossible?

Best Answer

I think that the process you're envisioning, if you did it rigorously, becomes equivalent to Picard's iterative process: Given an initial value problem $y'(t)= f(t,y)$, $y(0) = y_0$, the sequence of functions defined by \begin{align*} \phi_0(t) &= y_0 \\ \phi_{k+1}(t) &= y_0 + \int_0^t f(s,\phi_k(s))\,ds \end{align*} converges to a solution $\phi(t)$.

(You can think of that integral as summing $f(s,\phi_k(s))$ at many discrete points between $s=0$ and $s=t$, multiplied by a small amount $\Delta s$, and taking the limit as $\Delta s \to 0$.)

In your problem, you have $f(t,y) = y$ and $y_0 = 1$. Picard's process gives: \begin{align*} \phi_0(t) &= 1 \\ \phi_1(t) &= 1 + \int_0^t \phi_0(s)\,ds = 1 + \int_0^t 1\,ds = 1 + t \\ \phi_2(t) &= 1 + \int_0^t(1+s)\,ds = 1 + t + \tfrac{1}{2}t^2 \\ \phi_3(t) &= 1 + \int_0^t\left(1 + s + \tfrac{1}{2}s^2\right)\,ds = 1 + t + \tfrac{1}{2}t^2 + \tfrac{1}{6} t^3 \end{align*}
You can see that $\phi_k(t)$ is the $k$-th degree Taylor polynomial for $\phi(t) = e^t$, and that is the solution to the IVP.

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