Complex Numbers – Euler’s Identity: Why Is the $e$ in $e^{ix}$?

complex numbersexponential functionintuition

$e^{ix}$ describes a unit circle in polar coordinates on the complex plane, where x is the angle (in radians) counterclockwise of the positive real axis.

My intuition behind this is that $\frac{d}{dx}e^{ix}=i\cdot e^{ix}$. Since multiplication by i is a 90-degree rotation, we could think of $e^{ix}$ as the position vector of a particle and $\frac{d}{dx}e^{ix} = i\cdot e^{ix} $ as its velocity (x could be time). The velocity is always perpendicular to the position vector, so we have circular motion.

Hopefully I've described this well, see also if you don't understand where I'm coming from.

What I don't understand is why you need the "e" in Euler's identity. What if it were some other constant: for example, 2? You wouldn't get a circle, but how can I visualize what it is that you would get?

For example, what would $2^{ix}$ look like on the complex plane? I note that $2^{ix} = e^{ix\cdot ln(2)}$, and we could substitute that into Euler's identity and get $e^{ix\cdot ln(2)}=cos(x\cdot ln2) + i\cdot sin(x\cdot ln2)$.

So my question really has two related parts:

1) Why do we take e (and not some other number) to the power of ix to get a circle?

2) What would it look like if we took some other number to the power of ix? $e^{ix}$ really gives us a constant-radius spiral in three dimensions (e.g., what would $2^{ix}$ look like in complex 3d space? How could I have figured that out?

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Great question! Let's plot it for $2^{ix}$, with $0 \le x \le 2\pi$ (as we would with $e^{ix}$), and see what happens:

enter image description here

Woah, not quite a circle.

Why is this? Well, because of course our frequency is $\log 2$! For $0 \le x < 2\pi$, we don't quite make it all the way around. How far would we need to go? (It's not that hard to figure out).

To answer your first question, the reason we take $e$ is because it's the only number that jives with our notion of $2\pi$ radians in a circle.

For your second question, it means you'd get the same thing. But with a tighter/looser spiral!

Edit: Since $2\pi$ radians isn't enough to get us a full circle with $2^{ix}$, maybe we could figure out how many "log-two-dians" are necessary.

Alternatively, suppose we want to do things in degrees without an explicit conversion to radians. What would our base need to be?

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