[Math] Euler Equation and Marginal Rate of Substitution


I was wondering if someone could help me clarify a result from my lecture notes. I have put them as a picture. It concerns the result on the last slide (the other three slides are included as well because it may be useful).

enter image description here

The problem is, I do not see how it follows from the Euler equation that $MRS=1+r$.

So from the lecture notes, the Euler equation is

u'(C_1) = \beta(1+r)u'(C_2)
This is the first order condition for an optimisation problem with respect to $C_1$ so really we have
u_{C_1}(C_1) = \beta(1+r)u_{C_1}(C_2)
To get the marginal rate of substitution, we need $u_{C_2}(C_2)$. So somehow we must go from $u_{C_1}(C_2)$ to $u_{C_2}(C_2)$.

From the budget constraint
C_1 + \frac{C_2}{1+r} = Y_1 + \frac{Y_2}{1+r} \implies C_1 = \frac{-C_2}{1+r} + Y_1 + \frac{Y_2}{1+r}
We expressed $C_2$ in terms of $C_1$, i.e. as a function of $C_1$, i.e. $C_2=C_2(C_1)$. Then by the chainrule
\frac{\partial u}{\partial C_2} =\frac{\partial u}{\partial C_1}\frac{\partial C_1}{\partial C_2} = \frac{\partial u}{\partial C_1}\frac{-1}{1+r}
This is where I am stuck. I cannot get the result from the Euler equation as the lecture notes do.

Best Answer

The OP's confusion comes from the fact that he or she does not apply the chain rule correctly and interprets the Euler condition

$u'(c_1) = \beta (1+r) u'(c_2)$


$ u_{C_1}(C_1) = \beta(1+r) u_{\boldsymbol{C_1}}(C_2) $

This is not the correct way to read the Euler condition and one should really read

$ u_{C_1}(C_1) = \beta(1+r) u_{\boldsymbol{C_2}}(C_2) $

Any doubt can be cleared by rederiving the FOC. The maximisation problem is

$\max_{C_1,C_2} u(C_1) + \beta u(C_2) \qquad s.t. \qquad $

\begin{equation*} C_1 + \frac{C_2}{1+r} = Y_1 + \frac{Y_2}{1+r} \implies C_2 = {-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2} \end{equation*}

So substituting the constraint, the problem can be written as

\begin{align}\max_{C_1} u\Big(C_1\Big) + \beta u\Big(\underbrace{{-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}}_{=C_2}\Big)\end{align}

To find the FOC, one needs to apply the chain rule to the second period's utility function. Applying the chain rule carefully we have

\begin{align} \frac{\partial \beta u(C_2)}{\partial C_1} = \beta \frac{\partial u(C_2)}{\partial C_2} \frac{\partial C_2}{\partial C_1}\end{align}

In our case that is

\begin{align} \frac{\partial \beta u(C_2)}{\partial C_1} = \beta \frac{\partial u(C_2)}{\partial C_2} (-1)(1+r)\end{align}

Or to put it in yet another way

\begin{align}\frac{\partial \beta u(C_2)}{\partial C_1} & = \frac{\partial \big[\beta u\big({-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}\big)\big]}{\partial C_1}\\ & = \beta \frac{\partial \big[\ u\big({-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}\big)\big]}{\partial \big({-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}\big)} \frac{\partial \big({-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}\big)}{\partial C_1} \\ & = \beta \frac{\partial \big[\ u\big({-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}\big)\big]}{\partial \big({-C_1}({1+r}) + Y_1(1+r) + {Y_2}\big)} (-1) (1+r) \\ &= \beta \frac{\partial u(C_2)}{\partial C_2} (-1)(1+r) \end{align}

Then, by definition, given a utility function $U(c_1,c_2)$, the MRS of good one with respect to good two is

$MRS := \frac{{\partial U}/{\partial c_1}}{{\partial U}/{\partial c_2}}$

In your case, as stated in your notes, you get

$MRS = \frac{{\partial u}/{\partial c_1}}{\beta{\partial u}/{\partial c_2}} = \frac{u'(c_1)}{\beta{u'(c_2)}}$

At an equilibrium, when consumers maximize utility, the Euler condition must be satisfied, that is

$u'(c_1) = \beta (1+r) u'(c_2)$

So replace this specific value for $u'(c_1)$ in the formula for the MRS and you get

$MRS = \frac{u'(c_1)}{\beta{u'(c_2)}} = \frac{\beta (1+r) u'(c_2)}{\beta{u'(c_2)}} = (1+r)$.

As a good exercise, try to convince yourself that if the MRS takes another value, then the consumer can benefit from reallocating resources between the first and the second period.

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