[Math] Euler characteristic singular surface


The setting is the one of algebraic curves over the complex numbers. It is known that in an irreducible nodal curve each node reduces the arithmetic genus by one: if $\tilde{C} \rightarrow C$ is the normalization of $C$, and $C$ is nodal with $n$ nodes, then $p_a(\tilde{C})=p_a(C)-n$. I am using the word reduce because I am mainly thinking of a plane curve: if it has degree $d$ and it is smooth, then it has genus
while if it is nodal with $n$ nodes, the genus of the normalization is

The above statement can be proved thinking of our irreducible nodal curve $C$ as being in some smooth surface $S$, using adjunction formula on $S$ and on its blow up at the nodes of $C$.

My question is the following. Can we show this fact using the topological Euler characteristic? Does the topological Euler characteristic make sense if $C$ is singular, and is it still equal to $2(1-p_a(C))$?

Edit: PVAL's comment shows that the above thing does not work for reducible curves. If we take as definition of $p_a$ the one given in Hartshorne (chapter 3, section 5, exercises), then $p_a(C)=h^1(\mathcal{O}_C)$ for a reducible curve too. If we consider $C=L_1 \cup L_2 \subset \mathbb{P}^2$, then we have $h^1(\mathcal{O}_{L_1\cup L_2})=0$ from the long exact sequence in cohomology of $0 \rightarrow \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^2}(-2)\rightarrow \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^2}\rightarrow \mathcal{O}_{L_1 \cup L_2}\rightarrow 0$. On the other hand, $\chi_{top}(L_1 \cup L_2)=3 \neq 2 (1-0)$.

Best Answer

The topological Euler characteristic of a singular curve is not always even. In fact, if $\tilde{C}$ is the normalization of $C$, then $\chi(C)=\chi(\tilde C)-n$ where $n$ is the number of nodal points. Indeed, let $x$ be a nodal point of $C$ and $C_x$ be the blow-up of $C$ at $x$. Then, the cartesian and cocartesian square $$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \{x_1,x_2\}@>>> C_x\\ @VVV@VVV\\ x@>>>C \end{CD} $$ gives a long exact sequence in cohomology : $$ \dots\rightarrow H^n(C)\rightarrow H^n(C_x)\oplus H^n(x)\rightarrow H^n(\{x_1,x_2\})\rightarrow H^{n+1}(C)\rightarrow\dots $$ In particular $\chi(C)+\chi(\{x_1,x_2\})=\chi(\{x\})+\chi(C_x)$. And because the characteristic of a point is $1$, $\chi(C)=\chi(C_x)-1$. By induction on the number of nodes, you get $\chi(C)=\chi(\tilde{C})-n$.

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