[Math] Euler characteristic of the projective plane (using embedding diagram)


Make the square into the projective plane $\mathbb{P}$ by identifying edges and compute the Euler characteristic by embedding the following graph onto the surface:


Here is my diagram of the identified square of the projective plane with the embedded graph on it:

Projective plane

Now I can see that $v=3$ and $e=4$ but I am unsure how to calculate the number of faces from this. According to my lecturer the answer is $2$ leading to an euler characteristic of $\chi(\mathbb{P})=v-e+f=3-4+2=1$.

Could you explain why $f=2$ in this case?

Best Answer

You can see four squares in the figure. The two diagonally opposite squares form a face, as you can see from the gluing. That is why it has two faces in total.