Algebraic Topology – Euler Characteristic of a Y-Shaped Pipe


I'm familiar with the idea in topology that shapes that can be continuously deformed into one another are considered "equivalent". I read about the Euler Characteristic as being Vertices-Edges+Faces. Thinking of this number as related to the genus of an object, and the genus as the number of holes it has (which is probably where I'm going wrong), I began wondering what the Euler number or genus of a Y-shaped pipe (see below) would be, having three openings that all converge together.

Y-shaped pipe:

a y-shaped pipe

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best Answer

This can be answered with some knot theory. The openings can be thought of as an unlink on three components. This just means three circles that are not "linked" together. This Y shaped pipe can be deformed to a sphere with three holes missing from it. Just think about the pipe as if it were a weird ballon. If we would fill these holes, we get a sphere, which means that it has genus zero. Then, we know that the Euler characteristic of sphere is two. (For a genus $g$ "shape," the Euler characteristic is $2-2g$. )

But we added those disks, which each count as a face. So, to get back to our Y shaped pipe, we need to subtract those disks (faces), which means we have $2-3=-1$.

Or, we could have used this: From Rolfsen's Knots and Links, we have a relation which says $$ g(M)=1-\frac{\chi(M)+b}{2} $$ where $g(M)$ is the genus of a manifold $M$ (our Y shaped pipe), $\chi(M)$ is the Euler characteristic, and $b$ is the number of boundary components, which means the holes. We know the genus, and the number of holes, all you have to do is solve for $\chi(M)$.

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