[Math] Euclidean norm preserving linear transformation: name and characterization

linear algebranumerical methods

If $T$ is a linear transformation in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ (from itself to itself) that preserve Euclidean norm, then for any $\vec{v}$ then $(T\vec{v})\cdot(T\vec{v})=\vec{v}\cdot\vec{v}$. We already know that orthogonal transformation are example of those. However, this question only concern with preserving just the norm, not the dot product in general. In particular, $T$ need not be invertible.

So is there a special name for those kind of linear transformation? What is a nice characterization of its matrix (under any orthonormal basis) that is easily computable?

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Notice that a linear transformation $T$ preserves the norm if and only if it preserves the dot product, we can prove this simply using $$\langle T(u+v),T(u+v)\rangle=\langle u+v,u+v\rangle$$ moreover, the nice characterization by the matrix is: $$A^TA=I_n$$ so we see that $\det T=\pm1$ hence $T$ is invertible.

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