[Math] Estimating the multiplicity of a root (numerically)

numerical methodsroots

I'm working on a modified root finding script that uses the Newton method, but with a modification such that I estimate the order of the root to get faster convergence.

The basis of my motivation is that I read on wikipedia that if the multiplicity m of the root is known, one can use a modified algorithm, but that if the multiplicity is not known, it is possible to estimate m after carrying out one or two iterations, and then use that value to increase the rate of convergence.

Just for clarity, the Newton method I'm referring to is

Now I'm afraid that it is not entirely clear to me how one would do this. It doesn't have to be the 'best' way there is, a simple approximation is just fine.

The way I'd start is from a taylor expansion. If $f(x)$ has a root r of order m, then

$\frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} \approx \frac{C(x_n-r)^m}{Cm(x_n-r)^{m-1}} = \frac{x_n-r}{m}$

Now, from the hint on wikipedia that it is possible to approximate m after a few iterations, I'd think I would just start with $x_0$, compute $x_1$, from that compute $x_2$ (using the approximation I made above of course), and then eliminate r using one of the equations in order to express m in terms of x0, x1 and x2. However, this is proving to be a rather ugly and overcomplicated expression, and I can't imagine that this is the most efficient method of doing so. Could anyone give me a nudge in the right direction?

I found an online reference. On page 349, the author gives a method of estimating m, taken from Ostrowski (1973). However, I've tried to look at the derivation and it is much too complicated for my purposes. Ideally I'd use a simpler (and thus less efficient) method similar to this.

Best Answer

As far as I know, if $f(\cdot)$ has a root at $x$, it holds $f(x)=0$. Furthermore, if you want to calculate the multiplicity you have to find the minimum $m$ s.t.: $$ f^{(m)}=0. $$

So, you can compute the derivatives, and if $|f^{(m)}|<\varepsilon$, where $\varepsilon$ represents a tolerance variable, thus $m$ is the number you are looking for.

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