[Math] Error Bound for Euler’s Method

euler's methodinitial-value-problemsnumerical methodsordinary differential equations

I'm studying the Euler Method trough the book "Numerical Analysis", but I didn't understand an example where we have to calculate the error of this method…

First of all we have a Corollary which defines the error of this method as follow:

enter image description here

And here's the example:

enter image description here

I don't understand why the error bound is $\frac{Mh}{2l} e^L(1 – 0)$ instead of $\frac{Mh}{2l} (e^L – 1)$, because I understood from the example that $a = 0$ and $t_i = 1$ so the $(t_i – a)$ which is in the corollary should be replaced with a $1$ and the answer should be: $\frac{Mh}{2l} (e^L – 1)$

I really don't understand where does the $e^L(1-0)$ come from…

Best Answer

It is a misprint, it should be $$ e^{L(1-0)} $$ which is an upper bound for $$ \left(e^{L(1-0)}-1\right). $$

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