[Math] Ergodic system has a.e. dense orbits

dynamical systemsergodic-theory

One more question:

Let $X$ be a metric space with probability measure $\mu$ and $T\colon X \to X$ ergodic.

$\Rightarrow f$.a.e. $x$ the orbit $O_x=\{T^n(x) : n \in Z\}$ is dense in $X$.

So I have to show that the set $B$ containing all x for which $O_x$ is not dense has measure 0. Obviously $B$ is $T$-invariant, since $O_x$ is $T$-invariant for all $x$.
A set is dense in $X$, if it has nonempty intersection with all open sets of $X$ (maybe I can use here the special structure of $X$ as a metric space?). Poincare's theorem is given as a hint.
Since the system is ergodic I know that $\mu(B)$ and $\mu(B^c) \in \{0,1\}$.

Best Answer

If the space has a countable basis and for the measure $\mu$ any open set has positive measure we can have this result as proved below, in other case there may be counterexample.

Since $X$ is a metric space, we can find countable basis $\{U_j\}_{j=1}^{\infty}$. Not that if for $x\in X$, the orbit of $x$ is not dense, then there exists some $U_j$ such that $\{T^n(x):n\in \mathbb{Z}\}\cap U_j=\emptyset$ so $$x\in A_j=X-\cup_{i=0}^{\infty}T^{-i}U_j.$$ So the set of $X$ such that the orbit of $x$ is not dense is contained in the set $\cup_{j=1}^{\infty} A_j$. Note that $A_j$ is $T$-invariant and has a empty intersection with $U_j$ so $\mu(A_j)=0$ since $U_j$ has positive measure. And so $\mu(\cup_{j=1}^{\infty} A_j)=0$ and the proof is completed.

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