[Math] Equivalence relation by the symmetric difference of sets


Let $A, B$ subsets of $X$ and $\mathbb P(X)$ the power set,
we define the following equivalence relation on $\mathbb P(X)$:

Let $ S\subseteq X$ a fixed subset of $X$ and $A$~$B$ $\iff A△B \subseteq S$

Prove that is is an equivalence relation and find the class of $X$ and $S$

My work:

I have already shown that the relationship satisfies reflexivity and symmetry, all this is justified respectively by the fact that the empty set is a subset of any set and the symmetric difference is commutative.

My problem is with transitivity, I do not know how to do it, that is when I try to use it for the definition of symmetric difference I fall in many cases. There is some way to test transitivity using only operations between sets. And with respect to the equivalence class of $S$, I showed that they are all subsets of $X$ contained in $S$. But with respect to the equivalence class of $X4 I do not see what it is.

Any help would be useful. Thank you!

Best Answer


By definition, $A\sim B$ means $A-B$ and $B-A\subset S$. So you have to show that, if $A-B, B-A, B-C, C-B\subset S$, then both $A-C$ and $C-A$ are subsets of $S$.

Consider first an element $x\in A-C$. Either it is in $B$, or it is not in $B$. What can you deduce from the hypotheses in each case?

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