[Math] Equivalence relation and its equivalence classes

discrete mathematicselementary-set-theoryequivalence-relations

Let $X$ be the set $\{1,2,3,4\}$ and also that
$$R = \{(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(3,3),(3,4),(4,4)\}$$

How do I how that $R$ is an equivalence relation; and also its equivalence classes?

I got equivalence class $\{1,2\}$, $\{3,4\}$ but I'm not sure if it's right.

Help appreciated!

Best Answer

Caution: the originally posted relation is not an equivalence relation.

Can you show that symmetry fails? For example: $(1, 3) \in R$, but $(3, 1) \notin R$

For your second problem, can you show that it satisfies reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity?

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