[Math] Equivalence of curves with different parameterizations

curvesimplicit functionparametrization

I would like to know if there is a way to determine mathematically (given some parameter) the equivalence of two curves given by different parameterizations.

For example, the two curves defined respectively by

$x_1 = \sin(t),\ y_1 = \cos(t)$ for $t\in[0,2\pi]$

$x_2 = \cos(2t),\ y_1 = \sin(2t)$ for $t\in[0,\pi]$

trace the same circle and are both solutions to the equation of the circle: $x^2+y^2 = 1$. However, I am wondering if there is a on operation that can be done on both curves to determine whether they trace the same implicit curve or not?

Best Answer

$\def\RR{\mathbb{R}} \def\vr{\mathbf{r}} \def\vv{\mathbf{v}} \def\vnull{\mathbf{0}} \def\ss{\subseteq} \def\To{\rightarrow} \def\p{\pi}$Consider a curve in $\RR^n$ given by $\vr(t) = (x_1(t),\ldots,x_n(t))$ for $t\in I\ss\RR$. Suppose $\vr$ is differentiable and non-self intersecting. (The restriction of non-self intersecting can be relaxed, but introduces technicalities that we wish to avoid.) Let $\vv(t) = \vr'(t)$ and further suppose that $\vv(t)\ne \vnull$ for any $t$. The arclength along this curve will be given by \begin{equation}s=\int_{t_0}^t |\vv(t)|dt,\tag{1}\end{equation} where $t_0\in I$ is some reference value for the parameter $t$ corresponding to an arclength of $s=0$. (Note that $t<t_0$ corresponds to a negative arclength. This sign agrees with the orientation of the curve.) By assumption, $|\vv|>0$. Thus, $s$ is a strictly monotone increasing function of $t$ and so will have an inverse function, $t=t(s)$. Thus, $\vr(s)\equiv\vr(t(s))$, where $s\in I'\ss\RR$, will be this same curve parametrized by arclength. The interval $I'$ can be determined from (1).

After this procedure has been done, it should be clear that two parametrizations of the same curve, $\vr_1(s)$ and $\vr_2(s)$, can differ in their representation only through the following transformation: $s\To ks+s_0$, where $k=\pm 1$. That is, the curves can only differ by a shift in $s$ or by having opposite orientations. (It is also possible that after this transformation further transformations on $I'$ may be allowed and necessary, depending on the periodicity of the components of $\vr(s)$.)

A quick way that one can distinguish different curves is by examining the intervals $I'$. For example, if the intervals are finite subsets of $\RR$ and are different in length, then the curves are not the same. (They do not have the same length.)


Let \begin{align*} \vr_1(t) &= (\sin t,\cos t), & t\in[0,2\p) \\ \vr_2(t) &= (\cos 2t,\sin 2t), & t\in[0,\p) \\ \vr_3(t) &= \left(\frac{1-t^2}{1+t^2},\frac{2t}{1+t^2}\right), & t\in\RR \end{align*} (The last example is @Doug M's from the comments.) It is a straightforward exercise to show that \begin{align*} \vr_1(s) &= (\sin s,\cos s), & s\in[0,2\p) \\ \vr_2(s) &= (\cos s,\sin s), & s\in[0,2\p) \\ \vr_3(s) &= \left(\cos s,\sin s\right), & s\in(-\p,\p) \end{align*} Here we have let $t_0=0$ for each parametrized curve for simplicity. Note that $\vr_1(-s+\p/2) = \vr_2(s)$. Under this transformation, $I_1=[0,2\p)\To[-3\p/2,\pi/2)$. Using periodicity, $I_1\To[0,2\p)$. Thus, the first and second parametrized curves correspond to the same graph. Using periodicity we find $I_3=(-\p,\p)\To[0,2\p)\setminus\{\p\}$. Thus, the third parametrized curve corresponds to a different graph.

As an exercise, using this procedure one should be able to determine that the following curves correspond to the same graph. \begin{align*} &(\sin t,\cos t), & t\in[0,\p] \\ &(\cos 2t,\sin 2t), & t\in[-\p/4,\p/4] \\ &\left(\frac{1-t^2}{1+t^2},\frac{2t}{1+t^2}\right), & t\in[-1,1] \end{align*}

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